How to use vuejs rich text editor in Laravel

How to use vuejs rich text editor in Laravel

vue2-editor is rich text editor by Quill.js and Vue.js, we will use this editor with laravel. 

First of all install this package, as you know this nodejs package so we can install by npm command.

npm install vue2-editor
OR You can use Yarn 
yarn add vue2-editor
after installing just import this package into you js component. we have already created vue component for add post.
import { VueEditor } from "vue2-editor";
Set v-model with input(textarea)  but with this package(vue2-editor.)  we do not need to use textarea instead use tags provided by package.
<vue-editor v-model="content"></vue-editor>

that's it, i hope you have already declared empty content in your data array.
