Install Laravel 5.4 || Login & Register || URL Slug || Social networking Tutorial - Part 1

Install Laravel

  • Go to Laravel official website and copy a command composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog. (change blog with your project name)
  • Open CMD and path to your server (my was xampp/htdocs) and enter this command & enter.

Laravel Install

we need to add new fields/columns slug and Gender in users table , laravel have str_slug pre-defined function which help us to generate slug with any string.
for example: $title = str_slug('Hardeep Singh', '-');
output: Hardeep-singh

  • now we need to create login and resgiter system with command called 'php artisan make:auth'. it will create migreations for database tables.
Laravel make auth
make login auth

  • Open folder database/migrations/create_users_table.php - add two new fields as i said before slug and gender.Do not forget to update auth/registerController.php file for same two fields.
Laravel migrations

  • now run new command 'php artisan migrate' for create your tables in database.

Watch Video for more Information